During the school year, CISF is proud to offer after-school programs for all students in grades K – 8! Students can sail, kayak, explore, and learn about our natural world in a variety of after-school programs. Help us improve! Please take our short survey to give us your feedback about our programs. Click here to access the survey.
Spring Programs
Session 1: March 17 – April 25
• Backyard Explorers: Grades 1 + 2, 2:40 – 4pm
(This popular after-school program will again be offered during the 2nd session for grades 3 and 4). The students will explore, adventure, and learn about the natural world. Children will explore the outdoor environment at school once a week for five weeks with Ms. Haley Barber. The students will be picked up from their classes after school.
Where: Jamestown Melrose School
When: Grade 1: Mondays, Grade 2: Wednesdays
Cost: $65
• Nature Defenders: Wednesdays, 3:30 – 5pm (Grades 2-4)
Over the course of five weeks, children in grades 2-4 will learn about ways to help and protect nature, and work together to do small projects to help the environment, while being able to enjoy being outside! Projects will include trash clean ups, planting native wildflowers, and providing food for birds and animals.
Where: CISF Ft. Getty Tent
Cost: $110
• Nature Defenders: Thursdays, 3:30 – 5pm (Grades 2 – 4)
Over the course of five weeks, children in grades 2-4 will learn about ways to help and protect nature, and work together to do small projects to help the environment, while being able to enjoy being outside! Projects will include trash clean ups, planting native wildflowers, and providing food for birds and animals.
Where: CISF’s Ft. Getty Tent
Cost: $110
• K-2 Nature Exploration: Fridays, 3:30 – 5pm (Grades K-2)
Children in grades K- 2 are once again invited to explore the natural world at Fort Getty every Friday. They will spend time exploring and learning about the diverse ecosystems at Fort Getty. Spring is an amazing time to observe and investigate all the rebirth of our surroundings.
Where: CISF’s Ft. Getty Tent
Cost: $110
Wednesday, April 16th
Cost: $55/session
Spend Wednesday of your vacation exploring outside with us! We will have two programs for kids in grades K-3 and 4-8th in the morning, and an afternoon program for grades 3rd – 8th. 3-8th graders are welcome to stay the whole day and there will be a lunch break from 12-1.
• (9:30 – 12, Grades K-3) Animal Tracking: Learn the basics of animal tracking, how to look for signs and identify creature evidence you find in nature, while hiking and exploring around Fort Getty.
• (9:30 – 12, Grades 4-8) Foraging and Cooking: Hike around Fort Getty and learn the basics of how to forage for food in any surroundings. We will learn what we can eat and use for medicine around us, and make some drinks and snacks to eat!
• (1 – 3:30, Grades 3-8) Fort Exploring: Learn about the history of Fort Getty through exploring the forts and understanding what the area was used for before it is what it is today!
Financial Aid is available for CISF Programs
Questions? Contact Meg Myles at cisfsailing@gmail.com