In-School Programming
CISF is dedicated to providing the curriculum, resources, and compassion necessary to develop sustainable activists in all Rhode Island students. We want to expand the joys of the ocean, and the efforts to protect it, beyond our island community by connecting our dedicated educators to school districts around the state. To learn more about our in-school programming plans, contact our outreach developer
Ocean S.T.E.A.M Initiative
CISF seeks to enrich current curriculum with hands-on experiential learning activities and provides opportunities for Jamestown students to apply what they learn in the classroom to the marine environment. There are multiple programs within the STEAM Ocean Initiative, each program has a specific focus:
- Build a Boat and Build a Buoy are exploratory STEM programs for first and second graders to experiment and learn about buoyancy building boats and buoys of their
- Eco Club Program is an after-school program for middle school students who have a passion for the environment and enjoy finding creative solutions to combat climate
- Nature Buddies pairs third grade students with preschool students in a mentoring relationship. It is a great opportunity for the third graders to learn about responsibility and leadership for younger children and the natural
- Backyard Explorers is a program for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders to explore the natural world on the school Through team building and discovery, the students build strong relationships with each other, the school environment, and the natural world.
- Fourth Grade Coastal Studies is new this school year at the request of the fourth grade teaching team. Students venture into the marsh monthly to collect data and study marsh animals, soils, plants, and water health. This hands-on, experiential, year-long project teaches the students about how their “backyard” is affected by seasonal change, storms, human impact, and also climate.
April, 2019 Press Release:
Conanicut Island Sailing Foundation Announces Ocean STEAM Education Initiative
– CISF expands into year-round programming in the public schools –

Jamestown, RI – The Conanicut Island Sailing Foundation (CISF) has expanded into year-round programming in partnership with the Jamestown School District. The new STEAM Ocean Initiative is aimed at inspiring today’s youth to become the next generation of ocean and environmental stewards.
The growing demand for STEAM education and for students to understand and critically evaluate the interconnected role of science, technology, engineering, arts + design, and mathematics – essential skills in today’s fast-paced world, sparked CISF’s programming in the Jamestown public schools. CISF seeks to enrich current curriculum with hands-on experiential learning activities and provide opportunities for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to the marine environment and real life applications.
“The STEAM Ocean Initiative provides tremendous value and service to students in the Lawn Avenue and Melrose schools. This type of education is vital to the future of our island community and our youth.” – Meg Myles, CISF Executive Director
There are multiple programs within the STEAM Ocean Initiative, with each program having a specific focus. Build a Boat and Build a Buoy are exploratory STEM programs providing kindergarten through second graders the opportunity to experiment and learn about buoyancy, building boats, and buoys of their own. The Eco Club is an after-school program for middle school students who have a passion for the environment and finding creative solutions to combat climate change. Nature Buddies pairs third grade students with pre-school students in a mentoring relationship. It is a great opportunity for the third graders to learn about responsibility and leadership for younger children and the natural world. Backyard Explorers is a program for first, second, third and fourth graders to explore the natural world on the school grounds. Through team building and discovery, the students are creating a strong relationship with each other, to the school grounds, and to the natural world.
This initiative “hits all the skills we want to develop in our students: collaboration, critical thinking, creation, and communication. The programs teach students about water and their physical space and caring for their environment. As an Island community, I can’t think of a more authentic STEAM experience for our students”
Lisa Casey, School Librarian