CISF offers an array of enriching programs for home-schooled students ages 5 – 17 throughout the academic year. The programs orient students to such subjects as the natural world and ecological consciousness, as well as provide a space for students to interact and play with peers. Want to learn more? Join our homeschool mailing list by contacting Fiona Christie
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Spring Programs
Session 1: March 17 – April 25
(not meeting April 14-18)
• Jr. Nature Explorers: Tuesdays + Thursdays, 9 – 11:30am (ages 5-8)
Every Tuesday and Thursday children between the ages of 5 and 8 will explore the natural world together at Fort Getty through this program for young homeschooled children. They will explore all around Fort Getty and observe the changes that happen in nature as spring brings life back into the world. This program focuses on taking risks, gaining agency, social emotional learning, and being creative in nature
Where: CISF’s Ft. Getty Tent
Cost: $295
• Coastal Citizens: Marine Debris + Boat Building Tuesdays + Thursdays, 12:30 – 3pm (ages 8-13)
This program is for homeschool students from ages 8 – 13 and will be focused on both participating in an engineering project, and learning about how marine debris impacts Fort Getty through hikes and data collection. One day each week students will grow their engineering skills through designing, building, and testing their own Motorboat. The other day, students will learn about weather systems, watersheds, and the impact of marine debris, and what we can do to face these problems.
Where: CISF’s Ft. Getty Tent
Cost: $315
Session 2: April 29 – May 31
• Jr. Nature Explorers: Tuesdays + Thursdays, 9 – 11:30am (ages 5-8)
• Coastal Citizens: All About Aquaculture! Tuesdays + Thursdays, 12:30 – 3pm (ages 8-13)
For the second session of our spring homeschooling program, children ages 8-13 will be diving into learning all about Aquaculture in Narragansett Bay! We will be learning about lobster trapping, oyster farming, clamming, and more through hands-on projects and visiting speakers!
• *NEW!* High School Sailing + Marine Bio Crash Course: Mondays 12 – 3 pm
This program is for high school aged homeschool students (ages 13 – 17) who want to learn and improve their sailing skills, as well as get an introduction to Marine Biology! Students will work on building their sailing knowledge each week, and practice skills on our Hobie Waves when weather allows. We will cover points of sail, weather and tide patterns, and practice teamwork skills. We will also spend some time each day diving into a different Marine Biology concept, such as species identification, ecosystems and habitats, adaptations, and invasive species. The program will be tailored to this older age group by going deeper into these concepts as well as working to develop confidence and leadership skills.
Where: Ft. Getty Tent
Cost: $240
Friday Explorations
(single sessions)
Ages 5-15
12 – 3 pm
Cost: $32/child/session
• 3/21: Recycle Regatta STEM Challenge
Join us in designing boats out of recycled materials to participate in the 3rd annual Recycle Regatta put on by Educational Passages and NESS! Each child or group will design and test their boat, and when they are complete we will submit their designs online to put them in the running to be crowned the champion of the Recycle Regatta! Check out the official event page here.
• 3/28: Geology
Come explore and learn the basics of geology at Fort Getty! We will learn the difference between Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks through a fun hands-on activity, collect specimens from the areas, sort and identify them as best we can, and see what the rocks can teach us about the history of the island!
• 4/4: Orienteering Crash Course
Come learn how to find your way around using compasses and maps! We will have fun learning how to use these tools to find out where we’re going, and then create scavenger hunts for our friends to complete!
• 4/11: Pollinator Pursuit
We will learn about – and give back to – the pollinators at Fort Getty! We will create and distribute seed bombs, and go on a pollinator scavenger hunt hike.
• 4/25: Earth Week Fort Getty Trash Clean up and Audit!
Spend the Friday before Earth Day giving back to the earth in the beautiful outdoors! We will hike around Fort Getty and clean up the shores, to help keep our shores, the bay, and all its inhabitants, safe and clean. We will then do a trash audit, gathering data on what types of litter we are finding most frequently, and discuss the issue and solutions being put to work around the world.
• 5/2: Spring Gardening
Help us get our garden ready for the Spring! We will clean out our raised beds at Fox Hill Farm, plant seeds for the spring, and even start seeds that can be taken home!
• 5/9: Foraging and Cooking
Join us as we learn about how to forage safely and sustainably! – with a focus on removing and eating invasive species to give back to our local ecosystem and help keep it balanced. We will learn basic cooking skills as we prepare a meal with what we harvest!
• 5/16: How Sailboats Work
Learn the basics of how sailboats work through hands-on activities! We will talk about the forces of buoyancy and lift, put them to practice building our own simple boats, and then go sailing ourselves (if weather allows!)
• 5/23: Fishing
Join us as we learn about how to fish safely and sustainably! Both those with experience and without are welcome to come learn the basics and see what we can catch! Children with their own fishing equipment are welcome to bring it with them!
• 5/30: Kayaking Exploration
Come spend an afternoon on a Kayaking Adventure! Each child will have the chance to kayak alone, with a partner, or adult, depending on their experience and comfort. We will Explore the areas around the bay and get some good exercise while doing it!
“CISF provides inspiring project-based learning that nurtures creativity, problem-solving, risk-taking, personal accomplishment, collaboration and “aha” moments”
Jane Mitchell, Kindergarten Teacher, Jamestown Melrose School,
“The combination of sailing, marine biology, and art was perfect for both of my kids.”
Program Payment: By check or credit card via our registration website.
Scholarship information: CISF scholarship applications will be rolling throughout the year for those who need financial assistance to participate in CISF-offered programs. CISF does not want cost to prevent children from participating in our programs.
To learn more about applying for a scholarship contact Meg Myles,, or fill out an online application:
Scholarships will be awarded based on need.